Hero FAQ

We recommend before contacting our Support team that you first click here and search our FAQ to see if you can find the answer you are looking for.

Network Status & Planned Work

Follow our Twitter Feed to keep up to date on any network issues or upcoming planned works

Existing customers

Log into Hero Portal to open a support ticket

Other enquiries

Complete our Contact Form


Email: support@herotel.uk


Call: 0800 820 2102

General Technical settings

Customers with their own SIP enabled phone, gateway or PBX are free to use this to connect to Hero's service. The device must be SIP v2 compatible. Refer to the settings below for a guide to how you should configure your device to connect to the Hero service.

Username/Login/User ID:Your Hero Phone Number inc. country code (e.g. 442034567890)
Authorisation Name/Display Name:Your Hero Phone Number inc. country code (e.g. 442034567890)
Password:Your Hero Phone Password (assigned in our portal)
Outbound Proxy:phone.herotel.uk
DTMF Mode:rfc2833 (or AVT/out of band)
Default voice codecs:G.711 alaw, G.711 ulaw, G.722, G.729a, Opus
Default video codecs:H.264, H.263
SIP Transport:UDP, TCP or TLS (TLS preferred)
SIP port:5060 or 50600 (udp, tcp) or 5061 (tls)
STUN Server:stun.herotel.uk (port 3478)
Firewall Rules:Allow all traffic from (UDP portrange 1024-50000, TCP port 5060 and 5061)

Feature/Star Codes

Many features can be controlled using 'star codes' on your handset. Click here for a full list of available star feature codes.

Voicemail Service

You can check your voicemail from any Hero phone line by simply dialing *55 on your handset. If you wish to check your voicemail externally from a non-Hero phone then you can dial:

  +44-203-670-9996 (or 0203-670-9996 inside the UK)

You will be prompted for your phone number (which should be in 0xxx format) and then your PIN code. Before you can do this however you will need to assign yourself a PIN number in our customer portal at:


Simply login and then select the line you want to edit and then under Inbound calls select the Voicemail option to assign a PIN code in the 'Voicemail PIN number:' field. You can also forward voicemails to an email address and setup other options in this page.

Faxmail Service

Customers can add a fax number to their account, allowing them to send and receive fax messages by email instead of using a physical fax machine. Click here for a guide on how to use our Faxmail service.